
Showing posts from February, 2011

Project Management: "Metrics That Matter"

I have personally managed many projects and now in my consulting practice work for clients assisting them in the Creation, Buildout and Management of Project, Program and Portfolio Management Offices. In my experiences, I have been amazed at what various organizations accept as a means to determine the health of a project. I have witnessed organizations where a verbal, "We Are On Time, On Budget and There Are No Issues to Report" statement by a project manager as an acceptable status without any quantification. I have also seen the reverse where a panic is created based on a manager stating, "We Are Behind Schedule, Over Budget and There Are Major Issues!" Again, based on a verbal status update without providing the evidence to support the statement. Conversely, I have witnessed organizations rally around the Earned Value concept which is widely taught to project managers. Crunching numbers to eventually come up with the Cost Performance and Schedule Performance Met...